Kindertales Blog

Back to School Basics: Post-Holiday Edition

Written by Christina Vaan | Dec 1, 2021 7:18:34 AM

For children, the holidays are fun and exciting and most home disciplinary rules are seriously bent if not entirely broken. And before you know it, school is back in session. After only a few weeks off, many young children experience a wide mix of emotions when it’s time to return to school. Some are eager and excited while others are anxious and not emotionally prepared to return to the routine.

Whether you are a veteran educator or new to an early learning classroom, back to school is a busy and exciting time of year!  Below are some back to school tips to ensure your classroom runs smoothly. 

1. Build Consistent Routines

Focus on reacquainting children with your normal classroom procedures before focusing on teaching content. Make a list of the routines in your classroom.  For example, placing coats and backpacks in cubbies, daily sign in for older children, handwashing after outdoor play, circle time, clean up time, etc. Spend time communicating your expectations and providing instruction to the children to build this foundation. A classroom in which the children know the procedures and routines runs smoothly and harmoniously.


2. Connect with Families

Families are an important component to any child’s success. Kick off the new year by reconnecting with each child’s family to understand if there were any concerns during their time off. In these early years new families may have forgotten how to connect with their child’s classroom.  Discuss with families our Kindertales App and how to use it to communicate directly with the classroom. Get into the habit of sending pictures, milestones, and child info to family members on a regular basis.


3. Set the Tone

Even after a few weeks apart, the first few weeks of the new year is an important time to bond with your children. Many often need extra attention and reassurance that they are in a safe place. Let them know they were missed, and you are so happy to be back with them.

4. Organize your Classroom

Ensure all materials are in the correct interest area and baskets are labeled. If anything in the classroom has changed over the holidays, make sure your children know about it. Organize and update totes or pamphlet holders by unit including new books and activities related to the theme.

5. Update Bulletin Boards and Parent Boards

Ensure boards are neat, crisp, and contain the important information for parents and licensing to start the new year!