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Event-Based Enrollment

Simplify your summer camp and before/after school offerings with self-serve registration for families.



Transform your early childhood operations with Kindertales' new Event-Based Enrollment feature, specifically tailored for summer camps, before/after school care, drop-in care and other special childcare programs. This innovative feature enables parents to effortlessly discover and enroll in events via a specialized external portal. Once a family enrolls, every aspect from forms to billing to attendance is automatically integrated into your system, simplifying the entire process. Eliminate admin overhead and embrace real-time enrollment tracking and financial forecasting. With Kindertales, managing all your different offerings is not only possible—it's straightforward. Discover how Kindertales is redefining early childhood management and enhancing how you connect with families and manage your programs.

Shop Camps Easily Families can discover and enroll in events with just a few clicks
Automatic Enrollment Families complete forms, enter payment information and get automatically registered
Streamlined Operations Manage all program types in one place. Daytime childcare, special camps, and before/after school programs.

Explore the Benefits of Event-Based Enrollment

Delve deeper into how this Event-Based Enrollment can streamline your childcare operations and enhance family interactions

Effortless Event Shopping

Description: Our dedicated shopping portal allows families to easily browse and select the camps or events that best fit their needs, down to which days and times they want to purchase. With a user-friendly interface and clear, concise information, it's simple to register families.

Benefit: Reduces the time and effort families spend finding and enrolling in the right program. Enhances user experience and satisfaction.

Instant Enrollment Integration

Description: As soon as a purchase is made, the child’s enrollment details are automatically processed and integrated into your Kindertales system. From setting start and end dates to assigning to the correct location and room, everything is handled automatically.

Benefit: Minimizes administrative tasks and errors associated with manual data entry by allowing families to directly enter all enrollment details.

Automated Billing and Payments

Description: Along with enrollment, the billing information is automatically updated to reflect the new charges for the chosen events. This includes not only the fees for the event but any applicable discounts, coupon codes or special rates.

Benefit: Streamlines financial operations, improves cash flow management, and reduces the workload on your staff.

Comprehensive Enrollment Overview

Description: Get a unified view of both regular and event-based enrollments in one intuitive dashboard. This feature allows for better planning and room usage allocation by providing real-time data on all active and upcoming enrollments.

Benefit: Aids in strategic decision-making and helps predict staffing and resource needs more accurately.

Configurable Event Settings

Description: Tailor every aspect of your events, from capacity limits and age restrictions to required documents and special instructions. These settings ensure that each event runs smoothly and meets all your operational standards.

Benefit: Provides flexibility to accommodate diverse needs and preferences, ensuring a personalized experience for families and optimized operations for providers. Events-based Enrollment works great for special camps, Before/After care, drop-in care, YMCA programs and more!

Interested in Learning More?

Get in touch and the Kindertales team will show you how we can elevate your operations from the classroom to the boardroom.

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